Aventuras en MelbournePart VIII, Returning to the Hotel, a.k.a. Remembering How to DriveApproaching Melbourne, we were not sure what exit to use to get back to the hotel. We had the complication of no toll pass for the day, so we were a bit worried about making a mistake. We took one of the first exits as we approached the city, but as we came to a light at the end of the exit, we had the further complication of a traffic light. Should we go left, right, or straight ahead? Little time to think, we ended up going straight ahead which turned out to be a dead end. Once turned around, we were back at the light, but now facing the opposite direction from where we were a few minutes prior. At this point, we knew that we didn’t want to go straight. We decided to turn right.
Driving for a couple seconds, So suddenly says, “Wait a minute. Are we driving on the wrong side of the road?” Well, yes, we were. On five lanes of divided highway, coming around a curve, we were on the wrong side of the divided highway. Luckily, I was in the far right lane and there was a sidewalk. We pulled up onto it just as the cars started coming around the bend. So said that God must have had his hand on our heads. Thank the lucky stars for that.

The irony is that we didn’t need this sign on The Great Ocean Road (where we found the sign), just in Melbourne’s CBD.