Location: California, United States

There are no random acts. We are all connected. You can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind. (the five people you meet in heaven)

Monday, April 03, 2006

サマータイム(Summer Time)・Daylight Saving Time

As I walked to the gym today at 6:45 p.m., and it was not yet pitch black, I realized that spring is around the corner. Today I was barraged with a myriad of questions about what time it was in the US. Japan does not go on Daylight Saving Time (or “Summer Time” in Japanese.) On JST (Japan Standard Time) year-round, in the summer it will be light at 4 a.m. and dark by 7:30 p.m. It always seems like such a waste to me as I love to sit outside in the evening and enjoy the evening light. I also love the fact that Daylight Saving Time was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 although it was not implemented until much later. So, today was filled with: “What time is it in Chicago?” “Is it one hour earlier or one hour later?” and “What’s the time difference now?” The Japanese don’t understand why we change time, and I’ve heard many Americans and Europeans who express the same sentiment. I, however, am looking forward to summer in the States and sitting out in the lingering light until close to 9.


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