Kyoto, literally, the Capital City, the ancient capital of Japan. There are many places that I love in Japan, but I really think that if you can only visit one city, Kyoto should be it. Kyoto is the “traditional Japan,” the Japan Westerners imagine. There are many temples and historical monuments, and there is a different feeling in Kyoto. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but I always feel a little more cultural, a little more traditional despite the trains, subway, and busses. While visiting the Golden Pavilion, I am awed by the sheer undertaking to construct such a palace.

Since the cherry blossoms were at their peak, Kyoto was thronging with people. The crowds on the Path of Philosophy at this time of year left little time for contemplation of other subjects.

However, the cherry blossoms were gorgeous. Everyone is saying that the cherry blossoms this year are more beautiful than those last year. They are unbelievable. There is no beauty like that you find in nature.

Kyoto, literally, the Capital City, the ancient capital of Japan. There are many places that I love in Japan, but I really think that if you can only visit one city, Kyoto should be it. Kyoto is the “traditional Japan,” the Japan Westerners imagine. There are many temples and historical monuments, and there is a different feeling in Kyoto. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but I always feel a little more cultural, a little more traditional despite the trains, subway, and busses. While visiting the Golden Pavilion, I am awed by the sheer undertaking to construct such a palace.

I know that line. Did you put your comment on the wrong post? Shouldn't that be with French Kiss (Club)?
Well, to tell you the truth, that boy was a little too androgynous for me...gomen!!! P
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